Fulton County Community Zoning Board to Hold Virtual Meeting

Fulton County Community Zoning Board to Hold Virtual Meeting

WHO:            Fulton County Community Zoning Board

WHAT:          The Fulton County Community Zoning Board will hold a virtual Public Hearing to review the below cited Petition for Rezoning and Concurrent Variances: 
                        2021Z-0002 SFC, 4060 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW (SR 139)
                        2021VC-0002 SFC, 4060 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW (SR 139)
                        2021VC-0003 SFC, 4060 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW (SR 139)

                        Application by Aftab Alam for Goodrich Petroleum, Inc. for rezoning from C-2 (Community Business) to C-2 (Community Business) to develop 5,278 square feet of retail to include a new convenience store with gas pumps, restaurant/retail space and truck rental on 1.08 acres. In addition, the applicant seeks concurrent variances as follows:                                                                 
                        1. Allow reduction of the 10 foot landscape strip to allow encroachment as per the site plan (Article 4.23.1.A Table 4.23.1) 
                        2. Allow reduction of the 15 foot landscape strip to allow encroachment as per the site plan (Article 12N.A.1.a)

                        The subject site has approximately 246 feet of frontage on the south side of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW (SR 139), approximately 260 feet of frontage on the west side of Fulton Industrial Boulevard (SR 70) and is located in Land Lot 23 of District 14F, Fulton County, Georgia.

WHEN:         Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE:       The meeting can be viewed at
                        Fulton Government Television YouTube
Register in advance for public comment: https://zoom.us/j/99828050822?pwd=WG92RDVKdkp6cVNvcWFxT1VSU1ZxZz09
Fulton County Community Zoning Board to Hold Virtual Meeting
Day: Tuesday, July 20
Time of the Event: 6:30 p.m.
Add to Calendar 07/20/2021 18:30 07/20/2021 20:00 America/New_York Fulton County Community Zoning Board to Hold Virtual Meeting The Fulton County Community Zoning Board will hold a virtual Public Hearing to review the below cited Petition for Rezoning and Concurrent Variances.