Fulton County Facility Reopens
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, during normal business hours.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, during normal business hours.
The Fulton County Department of Registration & Elections announces the installation of 20 drop boxes for absentee ballots. To locate the closest drop box, voters can visit www.fultoncountyga.gov/absenteedropbox and view the list of locations or use the mapping tool to find the nearest location.
Based on Secretary of State requirements, the drop boxes are located on county and city property that is generally available to the public. Each location has 24-hour video surveillance and recording to ensure that ballots left inside the devices are secure. Trained Election workers will collect ballots from the boxes daily.
Only Fulton County registered voters should use the boxes in Fulton County. Voters in other counties must return their ballot in the County in which they are registered.
Boxes will be locked at 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Fulton County encourages all voters to cast their ballots through Absentee Ballot by mail, which is safe, secure, and consistent with social distancing recommendations. Georgia law allows registered voters to request absentee ballots and have those ballots mailed directly to them. Fulton County residents choosing to vote by absentee ballot are strongly encouraged to request their absentee ballot as soon as possible to ensure that it arrives back to the Department of Registration & Elections offices by the closing of the polls on Election Day. Absentee Ballot requests may be requested by fax, by mail, email, or by phone.