The Fulton County Board of Commissioners will hold their June 3, 2020 meeting via videoconference. The meeting will be aired live on the Fulton Government Television YouTube page and on the FGTV live stream.
Residents have several options to participate in public comment.
1) Submit comments in writing: These comments will be read into the record. Submit written comments by emailing or via an online form at:
2) Give feedback during the meeting by registering on Zoom: To participate in public comment via Zoom, residents must provide a valid email address to register. During public comment, they will be called upon and unmuted.
Consistent with procedural rules of the Board of Commissioners, speakers must be registered before the Public Comment portion of the meeting begins and will be limited to two minutes.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
10 a.m.
Fulton Government Television YouTube
FGTV Live Stream